About Janice Cheung

Janice Cheung



About Janice

Janice’s education includes:

  • Masters of Science in Physical Therapy, University of Toronto
  • Bachelor of Health Sciences, McMaster University

Janice’s post-graduate professional development includes:

  • IBITA Basic Bobath Certified therapist for treatment of adults with neurological conditions
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation
  • Concussion Rehabilitation
  • McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy
  • Fascial Manipulation
  • Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
  • Taping for Sports Injuries

Janice treats clients with a wide range of neurological and orthopaedic conditions due to injuries from sports, workplace accidents or motor vehicle collisions. She continually participates in post-graduate education, and believes in a multi-faceted approach to her treatments. She believes in using active exercises and hands-on techniques to achieve optimal health and function.

Janice has participated in clinical research and her publications include: “The Relationship between Neck Pain and Physical Therapy” in The Open Orthopaedics Journal (2013), and “Patient Identified Factors that Influence Spasticity in Individuals with Stroke and Multiple Sclerosis who are Receiving Botulinum Toxin Injection Treatments” in Physiotherapy Canada (2015). Her group research on spasticity was presented at the 2014 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.

Janice continues to take part in clinical education through mentorship of physiotherapy students from Canadian and International Physiotherapy programs. She is a member in good standing with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario, and is a member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association –Neuroscience and Orthopaedic divisions.

Janice is fluent in English and Cantonese.