Nutritional counselling can help you enhance your body’s inherent healing potential, promote a positive mood and improve your energy levels. Our Certified Nutritional Practitioner provides customized nutrition programs that cater to each individual’s needs. Whether you have a complex health history or simply value the use of nutrition as a preventative measure to reduce the likelihood of developing health issues – we can help.
Who would benefit from working with a Nutritionist?
Children and older adults with a variety of conditions or symptoms, including:
- Fatigue, stress and poor sleep
- Pain (back, neck, neuropathic, acute, chronic)
- Impaired focus/concentration
- Depression, anxiety and impaired cognition
- Overweight/Underweight
- Impaired performance in sport and work
- Prenatal/Postnatal
- Post-Concussion
- Cancers
- Acquired Brain Injury, Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury
- Change in bladder function
- Skin changes
What can I expect from Nutrition sessions at Neurocore?
- A review of your food consumption, medications, supplements, and mood
- Implementation of a food diary to monitor your eating habits and symptoms
- Follow-up appointments to address trends, food sensitives or triggers related to your symptoms
- A personalized nutritional meal plan (including ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, hydration options and, if needed, appropriate supplements)
- Follow-up to track progress and make any needed adjustments after adopting a nutritional meal plan
I have a neurological condition; why am I at increased risk of nutrient deficiencies?
- Compromised digestive function
- Physical, emotional, psychological stress
- The intake of certain medications
- Decreased energy and reduced mobility
- Impaired dexterity to prepare healthy meals on a consistent basis
Furthermore, neurological injuries place one at a high risk of developing recurring and potentially life-threatening secondary health complications such as:
- Pressure sores
- Osteoporosis
- Cardiovascular disease
- Type 2 diabetes
These secondary health conditions, in turn, place additional demand on the body for nutrients.
Learn more about our Certified Nutritional Practitioner, Joanne Smith.