Catherine Fernandes
About Catherine
Catherine’s education includes:
- Masters of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto
- Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, York University
- Certificate in Fitness Assessment and Exercise Counseling, York University
Her post-graduate professional development includes:
- IBITA Certified Basic Bobath Therapist for treatment of adults with neurological conditions
- Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Thoracic Spine, SI Joint and Lumbo-Pelvic Complex Certification – Advanced Physical Therapy Education Institute Training
- Rehab Techniques in Oncology
- Dalhousie Wheelchair Skills Program
- Functional Electrical Stimulation in Rehabilitation
- Kinesio Taping
- Bioness L300
- MyndMove Functional Electrical Stimulation for Upper Extremity Dysfunction Post Neurological Injury
- Certified PoNS Trainer
- Bioflex Laser Therapy
Catherine has a keen interest in neurological conditions and international health. As a result, she has had clinical experience in the rural community of Rongo, Kenya. Her work experience also includes in-patient physiotherapy at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre – St. John’s Rehab Site. Catherine is a firm believer in continuing education and acts as a Clinical Instructor for Physiotherapy students from the University of Toronto, Queens and McGill University.
Catherine has always had a strong interest in fitness and trained as well as worked as a Karate Instructor for over 12 years with children and adults. She has taught private karate-based rehab to clients with orthopaedic and neurological conditions as well as group adapted self-defence classes at Neurocore. She has also provided education on adapted self-defence to clients and therapists at various facilities and co-presented the topic of Adapted Self-defense for clients with neurological conditions at the Canadian Seating and Mobility Conference.
Catherine is a member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association – Neuroscience and Oncology divisions, as well as a member in good standing with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. She is an Assistive Devices Program (ADP) authorizer for ambulation aids, seating and wheelchairs. Catherine is fluent in English and understands Finnish.